Kostas Loukos
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“The case may justly be described as unique: an “unknown” pianist makes his debut in discography …surprising everyone with his outstanding performance of the “Goldberg Variations”, an emblematic work in the world of keyboard music. ……This new interpretation by a greek pianist reflects an irresistible charm. The clarity, the intelligibility of phrasing, the homogenous expression and the austere aesthetics fully satisfy both our instinct and wishes. ……Just like Kostas Loukos’s admirable treatment of Bach’s masterpiece.”
An extract from a review by Yorgos Monemvassitis (DIFONO, Oct. 2001, p.122) of Kostas Loukos’s interpretation of J.S.Bach’s monumental work “Goldberg Variations” recently released on CD.

“(your recording) is a great accomplishment on your part…you are to be congratulated because it is a recording that expresses remarkable intelligence and a penetrating grasp of structure which is not always in evidence with other performers. It also manages to have a touching spiritual dimension and attention to detail which I am sure will not be lost on listeners…I am honoured to now have your performance of the Goldbergs in my collection.”
From a letter to the artist from John P. L. Roberts, adjunct. Professor at the Music Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Calgary, former Dean of the same Faculty for a long time, former head of music at CBC radio, pianist, and close life-time friend of the great Canadian pianist Glenn Gould.

“Kostas Loukos gives us his own interpretation of this monumental work (of J S Bach) investing it with an irresistible charm. It is as if we are “rereading” it, adding a new “vocabulary” to it. The clarity and the intelligibility of the phrasing, its romanticism and tenderness, along with the effortless agility of the interpreter, which makes it even more vigorous and energetic, without degrading it to a lifeless and cold-blooded essay, get across to us the enthusiasm and the creative agony of the pianist confronting this monumental work. And for that especially we are grateful to him!”
Marianna Galidi, FILELEFTHEROS 25/11/2001 (CYPRUS)